Have you got somewhere to put a beehive? ... You don't need to become a beekeeper to help support the honey bee!

Under our Room for a hive pilot scheme, if you have somewhere that can safely site a beehive you could help, as beekeepers from North Shropshire will often be looking for places to site a hive.

If you think you have somewhere suitable you can register your interest to allow a hive to be sited there. We can make no promises of course as sites may prove not to be suitable, and the need for sites varies greatly year to year. With your permission we will store your contact details and we can then put an association member in touch with you when they are looking for a new site in that area. You will be helping the honey bee and sharing in their fascinating world.

Please note that this is still only a pilot scheme and the association is merely acting as a facilitator, providing just a notice board to help bring parties together. All arrangements and dealings will and must remain solely a matter between the individual member or members concerned and yourself. Further information will be made available when a member is interested in the potential site that you are offering.

Images Copyright of the BBKA - www.bbka.org.uk