Bee Diseases and Pest Control (England) Order 2006 made pursuant to the provisions of the Bees Act 1980 (now amended by Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) (Amendment) Order 2010.

Clause 2 - Definition extends to American foul brood and European foul brood (each a notifiable disease) and small hive beetle and any species of the Trophilaelaps mite (each a notifiable pest).
Clause 3 - An owner or person in charge of a hive who knows or suspects that any bees are infected with a notifiable disease or notifiable pest and other person who has or discovers a bee pest that may be injurious to bees must inform the Secretary of State.
Clause 3 - After notification has been given as above a Standstill is imposed on bees, equipment, vehicles and the like.
Clause 6 - enables service of notices to prevent various removals including bees and hives.
Clause 7 - in case of foul brood, requires destruction or treatment of bees, hives, equipment to the extent directed..
Clause 8 - in case of a pest, authorities have similar powers as regards destruction or treatment.

Briefly, the purpose of the Order in relation to these brood and pest problems is to enable the "authorities" to act and intervene. All the beekeeper needs to know is that if one of these problems arises, he or she should (indeed must) contact the local bee inspector at once and take matters from there.


* Reproduced here by the kind permission of Andrew Beer